“I managed to get through with no tearing, no pain relief, and no stress. I never felt like the delivery was more than I could handle. It was at times painful, but not the type of pain that I found stressful or distressing. The midwives were all blown away and told me I was just amazing at giving birth and that most first timers don’t do it so calmly or without any request for pain relief. I’m telling you this not to brag, but because I wanted to let you know that a lot of the reason I found it so easy and was so calm and relaxed was because of the information and resources that you provided as part of your Lamaze course.
Our little man is the most calm, relaxed, peaceful, wonderful baby. I really hope that all the work I did to get him peacefully into the world has helped make him so chilled out.
Thank you again for all the wonderful information, I will definitely recommend your course to any friends in Melbourne who are to become first time mummas.”
Ashley, Preston West