Birthwell Birthright Birthwell Birthright

Lamaze Childbirth Educator Training


Would you like to make a difference by helping women and their partners through one of life’s most exciting, but challenging experiences? Fulfil your dream of becoming a childbirth educator with a nationally and internationally-recognised qualification!

For over 60 years, Lamaze International has been the leading provider of childbirth certification education programs that teach healthy birth practices and prepare educators to teach with skill and confidence. Certification by Lamaze International is the most respected and recognised credential in childbirth education certification worldwide.

You want to choose a childbirth education program that will provide ongoing support, resources and access to continuing education to stay up-to-date. If you are passionate about helping families through this amazing journey, then Lamaze is here to help you through your journey as a childbirth educator – from the time you become certified and throughout this rewarding and transformational career.

Why Become a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator?

There are other options, so why Lamaze? Becoming Lamaze certified means being connected to an international network of childbirth experts and fellow educators. It means that you’re willing to contribute to the field by sharing your experience and knowledge. It means bearing a title (LCCE) that new families and providers can trust.

As the only accredited childbirth educator certification, Lamaze certification prepares you to teach a curriculum based on evidence with skill and confidence.

NEW Lamaze Educator training program sealThe birthwell birthright Lamaze childbirth educator training program has been uniquely adapted curriculum for Australian childbirth educators. This internationally-accredited training is delivered by program director, Tanya Cawthorne, LCCE, FACCE who is the founder/director of birthwell birthright, co-founder of Lamaze Australia and a past President of Lamaze International.


What does a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator do?

  1. Promote the childbearing experience as a normal, natural and healthy process that profoundly affects families.
  2. Assist families to discover and use strategies that facilitate normal, natural, healthy pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and early parenting.
  3. Help families to understand how interventions and complications influence the normal course of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and early parenting.
  4. Provide information and support that encourages attachment between babies and their families.
  5. Assist families to make informed decisions for childbearing.
  6. Act as an advocate to promote normal, natural, healthy, fulfilling childbirth experiences for families.
  7. Design, teach and evaluate a course in Lamaze preparation that increases one’s confidence and ability to give birth.

What some of our graduates have to say about our course:

“Tanya is a beautifully kind and gracious Lamaze educator trainer. She is incredibly knowledgeable, passionate and exudes enthusiasm and love for teaching people the art of becoming a Childbirth Educator. I have learnt a world of knowledge from her, and her approach to teaching really makes the learning fun and enjoyable. She is always easy to contact for questions, and her ongoing support up until, and even after the exam has been wonderful. Thank you for making this an enjoyable and wonderful learning experience Tanya.” ~ Bec Lennon, LCCE, NSW.

“Tanya is a fantastic tutor who creates easy to access, interactive classes where she breaks down the information in a way that everyone can understand. She is inclusive in her teaching, easy to approach, always happy to talk about topics you may wish to discuss and always open to answering any questions you may have, even if you are not actively in session. I cannot recommend Tanya any higher, I learned so much from her and continue to do so. I feel very grateful to have Tanya as my guide through my education journey and know that anyone who gets to learn in her classes is very lucky to have her.”
~ Aiya Sellers, LCCE, Artemis Birthing Services, NZ

“I completed the Lamaze Online Training course with Tanya in late 2021 and it has changed my life. Having never done any sort of online zoom courses I was initially quite nervous and unsure, but Tanya immediately brought a feeling of welcoming and warmth to the group. Tanya is one of the most knowledgeable, welcoming and kind people that you could meet. Her ability to engage, teach and encourage is palpable. I was able to learn so much and it gave me an opportunity to meet like-minded women who have become a strong support and guiding hand in my endeavours to begin my own business. When the course is finished, Tanya is still accessible and is keen to help you in any way she can. She truly cares.  I highly recommend this course”. ~ Sharday Stirton, LCCE, NSW

2025 Training Programs

In 2025, we are thrilled to be offering two live, online training programs, so you can join us from anywhere in the world!

To take advantage of our early bird discount (10%), you must register for one of our 2025 courses at least 2 months before the start of your chosen course. All that is required is to complete our online registration form and pay the deposit fee ($400). The balance is not due until 30 days prior to the start of your chosen course, and flexible payment plans are always available.

Dates: Wednesday, June 4 – Sunday, June 8, 2025
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm each day (AEST)
Location: Your living room! This course will be held live via Zoom.
To register, click HERE.

Dates: Wednesday, 12 November – Sunday, 16 November, 2025
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm each day (AEST)
Location: Your living room! This course will be held live via Zoom.
To register, click HERE.

Curious to learn more?

Download our Lamaze Childbirth Educator Training brochure. Click here.

You can also check out our recent information session webinar!


Lamaze Learning Guide
The Lamaze Learning Guide is an interactive online study resource designed to help you develop the competencies of a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator. It prepares you to teach the essential content for Lamaze classes and will continue to serve as an important reference for evidence-based information throughout your professional career. The Lamaze Learning Guide is considered essential reading. For more information on the Learning Guide and other exam preparation resources, click here.

Lothian, J. & DeVries, C. (2017). Giving Birth with Confidence (3rd edition). New York, NY: De Capo Press.

Simkin, P., Whalley, J., Keppler, A., Durham, J.& Bolding, A. (2016 or 2018 edition). Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide (5th edition). New York, NY: De Capo Press.

Dempsey, R. (2016) Birth With Confidence: Savvy Choices for Normal Birth, Boat House Press

A comprehensive book on breastfeeding. Some suggestions can be found below;

La Leche League. (2010). Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. Schaumburg, IL: La Leche League.
Mohrbacher, N. & Kendall-Tacket, K. (2010). Breastfeeding Made Simple. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.
Newman, J. & Pitman, T. (2014). Jack Newman’s Guide to Breastfeeding. London, UK: Pinter & Martin.

Download our Lamaze Childbirth Educator Training brochure. Click here.

Program Fees

Consider registering early to take advantage of our early bird discount!

Participants who register more than 60 days prior to the start of their chosen training course are eligible for a 10% early bird discount $2070 incl. GST.

Participants who register less than 60 days prior to the start of a training program will pay the full cost of the program which is $2,300 incl. GST

What does this fee cover?

Included in this fee are the 5 x days of live, online training, exclusive access to extensive online resources, AND monthly study sessions via Zoom all the way through to the next round of the Lamaze certification exam.

What’s not covered?

In addition, you will need to purchase the Lamaze Learning Guide via the Lamaze International website (US$250) and when you’re ready to sit the Lamaze Certification exam, there is a fee for the exam registration and includes 3 years of certification/membership with Lamaze International (US$475).

**Please refer to our training program brochure, which details the additional costs of study materials and exam/certification fees from Lamaze International. 

Flexible payment plans are always available. Please contact us to discuss your personal situation. We are always happy to accommodate you.

We would love to hear from you! Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our training program. 

 Professional Development & CPD Recognition

We are very proud to announce that this training program is an Australian College of Midwives CPD Recognised Course and has been allocated 39 CPD points.


This training program the only childbirth educator training program in Australia endorsed by CAPEA – Childbirth and Parenting Educators of Australia.

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Here is just some of the feedback we received from students who have completed our training course;

If you’re thinking of adding to your repertoire in the birth world or seeking a new career change, the Lamaze Childbirth Educator training course is an absolute must! Thank you Tanya for being a constant rock over the past 12 months and biggest congratulations to you for running this seamless course.
~ Bethany Meakin – LCCE & certified doula, Melbourne 

Just completed the 5th day of Lamaze Educator training with Tanya. I have had a beautiful week with a wonderful group of women. Really impressed with this training and how comprehensive it is! If you are looking for a supportive, value-filled course to really support you in becoming a childbirth educator I cannot recommend this enough. The information was evidence-based, and presented by Tanya, who clearly dedicates herself to staying on top of the latest information and evidence. Hella Impressed! 
~ Jennifer Hazi – Midwife, Doula and Lamaze Educator student, Sydney

Tanya has provided a wonderful and valuable course, full of fantastic resources and information and she gives support and guidance throughout. After attending the seminar, I found that my passion and determination was even more driven. I can’t recommend this course highly enough for those wanting to become a Childbirth Educator!
~ Gemma Wilson, LCCE, Sydney 

“Lamaze has given me so many fantastic resources including evidence based practice and research to educate couples to understand how normal labour, birth and breastfeeding can be without anxiety and fear that is plaguing our society. The Six Healthy Birth Practices are a reminder of the basics of midwifery care and are the structure I’ve needed to create change. Thank you so much for allowing me to attend your Lamaze educator course at my hospital. Having been a childbirth educator for the past three years l was really impressed with the Lamaze curriculum, which has reignited my enthusiasm and passion for empowering women to strive for normal, healthy, natural childbirth again!”
~ Narelle Tsiros, Midwife & LCCE (Melbourne)

Lamaze is an organisation I have come to be very passionate about, especially having attended Tanya’s birthwell birthright childbirth class when I was pregnant. I look forward to my new career educating parents-to-be about the wonders of birth and giving them confidence, knowledge and skills to have a safe, healthy, normal birth experience. Thanks for providing a great training program and for your continued and generous support throughout this journey Tanya!
~ Denise Georges, LCCE, Sydney 

birthwell birthright’s Lamaze Childbirth Educator course is by far the most comprehensive, evidence-based, internationally recognised training program. Tanya’s knowledge of the Australian maternity services landscape, together with her international knowledge makes for a robust, informative learning environment. Packed with teaching aids, as well as the most up-to-date research, marketing exposure tips, media expertise and business advice, this program has everything you’ll need to become educationally and appropriately prepared as a childbirth educator. I’m now excited to be able to pass on Lamaze’s universal birthing principles which will empower my clients with confidence to make evidence-based and informed choices around pregnancy, birth and early parenting.
~ Leslie Arnott, LCCE, Melbourne

Forty years of research and learning from women’s experience of normal, natural birth have provided evidence that has gradually but dramatically changed Lamaze from being a method for giving birth, to a philosophy that provides the foundation and direction for women as they prepare to give birth and become mothers. “Breathing” is no longer the hallmark of Lamaze.

The mission of Lamaze International is to advance safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy. Our vision is “knowledgeable parents making informed decisions.”

Forming the foundation of the organization are the Lamaze Six Healthy Birth Practices. These evidence-based practices, adapted from the World Health Organization, promote, protect and support natural, safe and healthy birth.

To learn more about the Lamaze approach to Pregnancy, Birth and Early Parenting please click here.

Today Lamaze affirms the normalcy of birth, acknowledges women’s inherent ability to birth their babies and promotes the Lamaze Healthy Birth Practices. The Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator promotes, supports and protects every woman’s right to give birth, confident in her own ability, free to find comfort in a wide variety of ways, and supported by her family and all members of the health care team.


I had investigated the Lamaze educators’ course in 2014, but after realising that there were no trainers here in Australia, I let that dream sit on the shelf.  As providence opened the way for me to meet Tanya and for her certification to come through from Lamaze International to train childbirth educators, I was super keen to sign up.  Lamaze for me is the ultimate standard for childbirth education.  The history and foundation of Lamaze was something that I admired. Their Healthy Birth Practices sit well with my core beliefs that women need good evidence-based information and support during pregnancy, birth and motherhood. 

I was one of 10 women who did the five days of training, and Tanya taught us with an air of professionalism and humour. We all enjoyed sharing and discussing the foundation topics. The commitment that Tanya has to us as her students, the ongoing support and tutoring that we will receive over the coming months culminating with our exam later in the year, is commendable and encouraging.

-Claire Wyborn



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