Australian Midwifery News – Winter 2018 issue
I am thrilled to announce that my article, Stop! I Want to Get off the Conveyor Belt of Birth has been published in the new issue of Australian Midwifery News, Australia’s only national magazine dedicated to midwives. To have...
Stop! I want to get off the conveyor belt of birth!
You know when a series of seemingly unrelated events coincide, and then you start to realise that in fact they aren’t unrelated at all? Yeah, well that happened to me this past weekend. I was scrolling through Facebook late...
We need to talk about Birth Trauma. Now.
August 14 – 21, 2017 is Birth Trauma Awareness Week. First of all, it profoundly saddens me that we need to set aside even one day of the year, let alone an entire week to raising awareness of birth...