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Australian Midwifery News – Winter 2018 issue

I am thrilled to announce that my article, Stop! I Want to Get off the Conveyor Belt of Birth has been published in the new issue of Australian Midwifery News, Australia’s only national magazine dedicated to midwives. To have...


Inspiring VBAC Stories: Maggie’s Birth

I met Kate and her husband Simon when they did my VBAC Your Way course earlier this year. Kate had two little boys, both born via Caesarean section in the UK and she was extremely keen to avoid a...


Why Midwives Love a Good Birth Plan

This week I am thrilled to feature a guest post from midwife, Kate Visser. Birthwell Birthright (BWBR): Many people are very cynical of the whole concept of a “birth plan”. Pregnant women hear all too often from their friends...


Teens and childbirth – why birth education needs to start in school.

“Miss, Miss! Is it true that you need to get your vagina sewn up after you give birth?” “So what hurts more? Getting kicked in the nuts or giving birth?” So, apart from wincing just a little bit at...


Why it’s time for a (new) birth revolution.

The other day, a friend tagged me on a post that she saw in a popular parenting group on Facebook. The post read; Any mums out there that didn’t bother with any of the prenatal classes? How did you...


Why questions are good, but answers are better.

I recently came across an article on Popsugar entitled, The 23 Questions You Should Ask Before Deciding on a Natural Labour. The article posed a lot of pretty misleading (and some downright silly!) questions, but no answers. So while...



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