We need to talk about Birth Trauma. Now.
August 14 – 21, 2017 is Birth Trauma Awareness Week. First of all, it profoundly saddens me that we need to set aside even one day of the year, let alone an entire week to raising awareness of birth...
Why Midwives Love a Good Birth Plan
This week I am thrilled to feature a guest post from midwife, Kate Visser. Birthwell Birthright (BWBR): Many people are very cynical of the whole concept of a “birth plan”. Pregnant women hear all too often from their friends...
The ethical responsibility of childbirth educators
I’ve just returned from Sydney where I taught a Lamaze Childbirth Educator training program. Part of the course is to explore the Code of Ethics for Lamaze Childbirth Educators. Quite ironically, I received the following email while I was...
Not Your Mum’s Huffing and Puffing Class – Podcast
It was an absolute pleasure and honour be interviewed by Kaz Jaffe, the host of the wonderful podcast, Mum’s the Word. A fellow birth passioneer, Kaz and I could have yakked on forever! We chat about how I came to become...
Mama, you’re enough.
I think I must have some kind of invisible magnet in my body at the moment, because in the last week or so, I have found myself inextricably drawn to a number of women – some I know well,...