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The Birth Wars – no end in sight.

Sadly, it seems we are no closer to ending the divisive birth wars any time soon. If anything, the chasm today seems almost impassable. Emotions run so high in this deeply personal topic where both ends of the spectrum...



Tanya Strusberg is featured on ABC Radio’s Babytalk with Penny Johnston!

I was thrilled to be interviewed by the lovely Penny Johnston, producer and host of ABC Radio’s Babytalk. Tanya Strusberg never planned on becoming a childbirth educator. But like so many women before her, becoming a mother changed her...



Australian Midwifery News – Winter 2018 issue

I am thrilled to announce that my article, Stop! I Want to Get off the Conveyor Belt of Birth has been published in the new issue of Australian Midwifery News, Australia’s only national magazine dedicated to midwives. To have...



A letter to my son on his ninth birthday

30th May, 2018 To my darling boy, Nine years ago today, you were born. And I became a newborn mother. We all waited so impatiently for your arrival. After a full 42 weeks of pregnancy, you were served your...



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