
You’re Not Allowed To Not Allow Me.
Birth and politics, like women and politics have been at the cornerstone of some of the tensest historical and social upheavals of all time. From the Suffragettes of the late 19th and early 20th Century who were literally willing...

Why the witch hunt of midwives is alive and well in 2016
The latest attack on Australian midwives has come from Australian Medical Association Queensland president Chris Zappala who stated in a media release this week that research showed perinatal death rates doubled when women gave birth under midwife-led care compared...

Why questions are good, but answers are better.
I recently came across an article on Popsugar entitled, The 23 Questions You Should Ask Before Deciding on a Natural Labour. The article posed a lot of pretty misleading (and some downright silly!) questions, but no answers. So while...

4D ultrasounds: what are we not being told?
Pretty much every pregnant woman in Australia would have come across the ubiquitous Bounty bag. The little navy blue bag stuffed full of samples and brochures are a marketer’s dream. Captured audience, perfect product placement. All of the contents...