Inspiring VBAC Stories: Maggie’s Birth
I met Kate and her husband Simon when they did my VBAC Your Way course earlier this year. Kate had two little boys, both born via Caesarean section in the UK and she was extremely keen to avoid a...
Why questions are good, but answers are better.
I recently came across an article on Popsugar entitled, The 23 Questions You Should Ask Before Deciding on a Natural Labour. The article posed a lot of pretty misleading (and some downright silly!) questions, but no answers. So while...
The peanut ball: why every birthing suite should have one.
What is a peanut ball and why could it be helpful for me in labour? Most people are familiar with the standard birth ball (sometimes called a fit ball or Swiss ball). They come in a range of sizes...
Stop shaming our plus size mamas!
Pregnancy can be tough. Tough on our bodies. Tough on our emotions. Tough on our relationships. Giving birth to our children is the biggest physical and emotional rollercoaster we will ever go on in our lifetime. Now imagine going...
SNOWBALL – A new mother’s guide to postpartum wellness.
Coming home from the hospital with your first baby is probably one of the scariest things we will ever do. Suddenly, the reassurance of having round-the-clock support from the hospital seems very far away indeed. Sadly, in modern Western culture,...
The dangers of “winging it” in labour and why every woman needs a birth plan.
Recently, I saw an exchange of comments between two women on Facebook that ended with this post; “I’m definitely not going in with any birth plans or expectations. Just want the baby out and both of us to be...
Your body is NOT a lemon
There are many ways that a woman can prepare for birth and there is no one right way. Just as every birth is unique, so is every woman. Feeling empowered can mean something very different to each person. It’s...
Birthing Fears (Part Two)
In this second instalment of our blog on Birthing Fears, we’re going to explore a number of other common fears around childbirth, including some things that many women and their partners think about, but rarely voice. Did you miss...
DetailsBirthing Fears (Part One)
In this two-part blog, we are going to explore the topic of fear in childbirth. It’s a BIG topic, so to do it some justice, we are going to split it over a couple of weeks. Fear of childbirth...
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