The ethical responsibility of childbirth educators
I’ve just returned from Sydney where I taught a Lamaze Childbirth Educator training program. Part of the course is to explore the Code of Ethics for Lamaze Childbirth Educators. Quite ironically, I received the following email while I was...
Ask the Childbirth Educator… how to get labour started
Welcome to the first column in our new series, Ask the Childbirth Educator. Do you have a question regarding pregnancy, birth or early parenting? Send us an email with your question and we’ll feature it on our blog! Today’s...
Why it’s time for a (new) birth revolution.
The other day, a friend tagged me on a post that she saw in a popular parenting group on Facebook. The post read; Any mums out there that didn’t bother with any of the prenatal classes? How did you...
So what the heck is Lamaze all about?
The most common response I get when I tell people that I am a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator is; “Lamaze? Isn’t that the breathing method?” If you’ve ever watched an American television show or movie that features a birth,...
Sunrise strikes again – early hospital discharge is not the problem.
Sunrise co-hosts Monique Wright and Andrew O’Keefe have jumped on the bandwagon yet again (or perhaps more accurately, their producers did) with a story that aired on Channel 7’s Sunrise on January 8th. Click here to watch it. The...
Rockstar Birth Magazine Podcast – Lamaze with Tanya Strusberg
A few months ago, I was invited by the creator of Rockstar Birth Magazine, Shalome Stone to appear on her awesome podcast series. You know all those classic movie scenes where the woman is birthing on her back, holding onto...
You’re Not Allowed To Not Allow Me.
Birth and politics, like women and politics have been at the cornerstone of some of the tensest historical and social upheavals of all time. From the Suffragettes of the late 19th and early 20th Century who were literally willing...
Why the witch hunt of midwives is alive and well in 2016
The latest attack on Australian midwives has come from Australian Medical Association Queensland president Chris Zappala who stated in a media release this week that research showed perinatal death rates doubled when women gave birth under midwife-led care compared...