Why questions are good, but answers are better.
I recently came across an article on Popsugar entitled, The 23 Questions You Should Ask Before Deciding on a Natural Labour. The article posed a lot of pretty misleading (and some downright silly!) questions, but no answers. So while...
4D ultrasounds: what are we not being told?
Pretty much every pregnant woman in Australia would have come across the ubiquitous Bounty bag. The little navy blue bag stuffed full of samples and brochures are a marketer’s dream. Captured audience, perfect product placement. All of the contents...
Childbirth: It’s time to stop the fear-mongering!
My initial reaction to Claire Harvey’s article; Childbirth: Why are we going back to the medical Middle Ages? (The Daily Telegraph, July 31st 2016) was one of anger and frustration. Here we go again, I thought. Yet ANOTHER article...
Private cord blood banks – the ultimate insurance or the ultimate marketing ploy?
It’s highly unlikely that any pregnant woman today could get through her pregnancy without coming across the savvy marketing efforts of at least one private cord blood bank. I was recently at a major pregnancy and baby expo and...
Meet Jenn Fontaine – doula extraordinaire
From September 11-14, birthwell birthright is very excited to be hosting one of Canada’s leading DONA International birth doula trainers, Jenn Fontaine. Jenn took a few moments out of her crazy schedule (she’s a mum of 4, a busy childbirth...
The Tsunami of Interventions
If you are somewhat immersed in the birth world like I am, then you’ve probably come across the term, “The Cascade of Interventions”. Sadly, for many of us in the birthing biz, this is an all-too-familiar term; describing the...
Details![By Klaus Hoffmeier [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](https://birthwellbirthright.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/pregnancy-test_2.jpg)
How late is TOO late to have a baby?
I recently came across a very interesting article that appeared in The Atlantic. Written by American psychologist Jean M. Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University and the author of The Impatient Woman’s Guide to Getting...
Everything you wanted to know about breech birth, but were afraid to ask.
What is the breech position and how common is it closer to term? Breech presentation is a fetal presentation in which the buttocks are at the opening of the womb. In a frank breech the legs are straight up...
Why I became a childbirth educator
In two weeks, my son – my firstborn – turns seven. There is a photo that my husband took only a few hours after he was born, where my baby boy and I are staring into each other’s eyes....
The peanut ball: why every birthing suite should have one.
What is a peanut ball and why could it be helpful for me in labour? Most people are familiar with the standard birth ball (sometimes called a fit ball or Swiss ball). They come in a range of sizes...