10 reasons why being a Lamaze Childbirth Educator is the best job in the world.
When people find out I am a Lamaze childbirth educator, it usually produces a variety of responses ranging from; ” Wow! That’s so interesting!” to “So are you a midwife?” to “What the hell is a Lamaze childbirth educator?”...
Tanya Strusberg is featured on ABC Radio’s Babytalk with Penny Johnston!
I was thrilled to be interviewed by the lovely Penny Johnston, producer and host of ABC Radio’s Babytalk. Tanya Strusberg never planned on becoming a childbirth educator. But like so many women before her, becoming a mother changed her...
Stop! I want to get off the conveyor belt of birth!
You know when a series of seemingly unrelated events coincide, and then you start to realise that in fact they aren’t unrelated at all? Yeah, well that happened to me this past weekend. I was scrolling through Facebook late...
Ask the Childbirth Educator… how to get labour started
Welcome to the first column in our new series, Ask the Childbirth Educator. Do you have a question regarding pregnancy, birth or early parenting? Send us an email with your question and we’ll feature it on our blog! Today’s...
Why it’s time for a (new) birth revolution.
The other day, a friend tagged me on a post that she saw in a popular parenting group on Facebook. The post read; Any mums out there that didn’t bother with any of the prenatal classes? How did you...
So what the heck is Lamaze all about?
The most common response I get when I tell people that I am a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator is; “Lamaze? Isn’t that the breathing method?” If you’ve ever watched an American television show or movie that features a birth,...