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Birthwell Birthright doula welcome pack 2025

Birthwell Birthright doula welcome pack 2025

<strong>When’s the best time to plan for a VBAC?  Maybe before you’re pregnant!</strong>

When’s the best time to plan for a VBAC?  Maybe before you’re pregnant!

I have long been passionate about educating women and their partners about vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC). Many of...

Can we please just stop fu$%ing with birth already?

Can we please just stop fu$%ing with birth already?

Just a day after International Women’s Day, an article appeared in The Age today with the alarmist headline; “‘The...

Birth & Postpartum Doula Training

Birth & Postpartum Doula Training

Birth and Postpartum Doula Training with Tanya Cawthorne (Australia) and Jenn Fontaine (Canada) We are thrilled to announce that...

Doulas aren’t Superheroes.

Doulas aren’t Superheroes.

This blog has been swirling around in my head for a few years now and every so often it...

My Journey To Lamaze – Lamaze International Podcast

My Journey To Lamaze – Lamaze International Podcast

On the season 1 finale episode of The Lamaze Podcast, Lesley Pascuzzi, LCCE, speaks with Lamaze International President Tanya...


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