How late is TOO late to have a baby?
I recently came across a very interesting article that appeared in The Atlantic. Written by American psychologist Jean M....
Everything you wanted to know about breech birth, but were afraid to ask.
What is the breech position and how common is it closer to term? Breech presentation is a fetal presentation...
Why I became a childbirth educator
In two weeks, my son – my firstborn – turns seven. There is a photo that my husband took...
The peanut ball: why every birthing suite should have one.
What is a peanut ball and why could it be helpful for me in labour? Most people are familiar...
Not Your Mum’s Huffing and Puffing Class – Podcast
It was an absolute pleasure and honour be interviewed by Kaz Jaffe, the host of the wonderful podcast, Mum’s the...
Confessions of a breastfeeding failure.
I get the impression that a lot of people assume that because I am a passionate childbirth educator that...