Everything you wanted to know about breech birth, but were afraid to ask.
What is the breech position and how common is it closer to term? Breech presentation is a fetal presentation...
Why I became a childbirth educator
In two weeks, my son – my firstborn – turns seven. There is a photo that my husband took...
The peanut ball: why every birthing suite should have one.
What is a peanut ball and why could it be helpful for me in labour? Most people are familiar...
Not Your Mum’s Huffing and Puffing Class – Podcast
It was an absolute pleasure and honour be interviewed by Kaz Jaffe, the host of the wonderful podcast, Mum’s the...
Confessions of a breastfeeding failure.
I get the impression that a lot of people assume that because I am a passionate childbirth educator that...
Mama, you’re enough.
I think I must have some kind of invisible magnet in my body at the moment, because in the...